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Aladin Nesterov
Aladin Nesterov

Research Methodology In The Medical And Biologi...

Biological Procedures Online publishes articles that improve access to techniques and methods in the medical and biological sciences. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, reports of new research techniques and applications of existing techniques, technical analyses of research techniques and published reports, validity analyses of research methods and approaches to judging the validity of research reports, reviews of existing techniques, and novel or important product information.

Research Methodology in the Medical and Biologi...

Lorsch is as passionate about education as he is about research. During his tenure at Johns Hopkins, he helped reform the curricula for graduate and medical education, spearheaded the development of the Center for Innovation in Graduate Biomedical Education, and launched a program offering summer research experiences to local high school students, many from groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical sciences. In addition, he advised dozens of undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

The Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences (BBCB) facilitates advances in basic biomedical research by supporting the development of biophysical and computational methods and tools for understanding basic biological questions; physical and theoretical methodologies, bioinformatics tools, and sophisticated quantitative approaches to lay a foundation for advances in disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention in health and disease; and the creation of innovative tools and new technologies for the study of macromolecular, cellular, and organelle processes and function.

The long-term goals of the division are to leverage data, methods, and technologies to answer fundamental biological questions, to develop a more robust computing infrastructure for the biomedical research community, and to promote and facilitate the development and use of new biophysical, computational, and experimental technologies in biomedical research.

This branch supports research to discover, create, and develop innovative technologies for biomedical research. Technology development often requires multidisciplinary and team-oriented approaches and can lead to new or improved instrument and methods development that has broad application to medical research. Areas of emphasis include computational infrastructure, molecular and cellular imaging and dynamics, and technologies to elucidate structural and functional biology. The branch also supports biomedical technology research resources.

This branch supports studies that apply techniques and principles derived from the physical sciences to examine structures and structure-function relationships in biology. Areas of emphasis in biophysical research include the development and application of physical and theoretical techniques to biological problems from the molecular to cellular level of organization, and the application of engineering science and technology to the development of improved methods of measurement and analysis for physiological and biomedical research. Of interest are new applications of established techniques and the modification of existing instrumentation to yield improved resolution, sensitivity, or accuracy. Central problems include the fundamentals of molecular properties and interactions; relationships between sequences and molecular structures, dynamics, and functions; assembly and mechanism of supramolecular structures including cellular membranes, cytoskeleton, and viruses; and discovery of ways to selectively influence biological processes based on these structures.

This branch supports basic research in areas of biochemistry, such as enzyme catalysis and regulation, bioenergetics and redox biochemistry, and glycoconjugates. It also supports research in areas of bio-related chemistry, such as organic synthesis and methodology, as well as bioinorganic and medicinal chemistry. Examples of biochemical investigations include studies of the chemical basis of the regulation and catalytic properties of enzymes, intermediary metabolism, the chemical and physical properties of the cellular systems for electron transport and energy transduction, the biochemical roles of normal and altered mitochondrial proteins, and the biosynthesis and structure of carbohydrate-containing macromolecules. Examples of chemical investigations include the development of strategies for natural products synthesis, studies of the structure and function of small molecules, the chemistry of metal ions in biological systems, the development of novel medicinal agents or mimics of macromolecular function, and the creation of new synthetic methodologies. The branch also supports studies in biotechnology. This work focuses on the development of biological catalysts, including living organisms, the production of useful chemical compounds, medicinal or diagnostic agents, or probes of biological phenomena.

This program broadens the geographic distribution of NIH funding for biomedical research. IDeA fosters health-related research and enhances the competitiveness of investigators at institutions located in states in which the aggregate success rate for applications to NIH has historically been low. The program also increases the competitiveness of investigators by supporting faculty development and research infrastructure enhancement at institutions in 23 states and Puerto Rico.

This initiative supports partnerships between American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribes or tribally based organizations and institutions that conduct intensive academic-level biomedical research. NARCH supports research, research training, and faculty and infrastructure development to meet the needs of AI/AN communities.

This program is designed to improve life science literacy throughout the nation through innovative educational programs. SEPA-supported projects create partnerships among biomedical and clinical researchers and K-12 teachers and schools, museums and science centers, media experts, and other educational organizations.

The Division of Training, Workforce Development, and Diversity supports programs that foster research training and the development of a strong and diverse biomedical research workforce. The division funds research training, student development and career development activities through a variety of programs. In addition, it supports the NIH Common Fund initiative, Enhancing the Diversity of the NIH-Funded Workforce.

This branch supports research training, student development and fellowship programs for undergraduate and predoctoral students, including individuals from populations that are underrepresented in the biomedical research workforce.

The enduring use of HeLa cells in biomedical research is represented below through a timeline of events and scientific publications that describe research using HeLa cells. The timeline aims to show the role that HeLa cells have played in some of the major advances in fields such as cancer biology, infectious disease, fundamental microbiology and many others. The hyperlinked text provided in each entry provides the underlying sources for the advances and allows the reader to take a deeper look into the actual science. The events that were selected were based on the number of times researchers cited, or gave credit, to the publication(s) in which the events were described. Research involving HeLa cells has been described in more than 110,00 scientific publications. This staggering number makes it clear just how important these cells have been to research over the past six decades.

Analytics and Statistics for Population Research Panel A (ASPA) study section reviews applications that seek to develop, improve or innovate data extraction or preparation, analytic approaches, or research designs to advance studies of human population health that emphasize biological or biomedical data. Applications that address software development are reviewed in other study sections.

There are shared interests in the development and application of statistical and computational methods to human population health research with Analytics and Statistics for Population Research Panel B (ASPB). Applications focused on biological or biomarker data, particularly those that characterize complex biological/biomedical processes are reviewed in ASPA. Applications focused on observational, environmental, infectious disease, or social/behavioral data and modeling approaches for application to human population health are reviewed in ASPB.

There are shared interests in clinical data analysis using biological or biomedical data from human populations with the Clinical Data Management and Analysis (CDMA) and Clinical Informatics and Digital Health (CIDH) study sections. Applications that emphasize the development of this statistical methodology to support epidemiological studies and public health decision making using clinical biological or biomedical data are reviewed in ASPA. Applications that emphasize the clinical data analysis and methodology development for eventual translation to clinical use are reviewed in CDMA. Applications that emphasize informatics and computing methodology development using clinical data for clinical decision support and healthcare delivery are reviewed in CIDH.

There are shared interests in statistical genetics and genomics with Biodata Management and Analysis (BDMA). Applications that emphasize the development of statistical genetic and genomic methods and the development of statistical methods for scalable analysis of medical imaging and other diagnostic modality data for use in population-based research are reviewed in ASPA. Applications that focus on computational methods for acquisition, management, querying, sharing and analysis of biological data, particularly software or computing hardware for the analysis of large genomic datasets, medical and cellular imaging are reviewed in BDMA.

The De Vlaminck Lab is a biomedical and single-cell genomics lab with a mission to develop novel measurement principles in molecular diagnostics and single-cell biology. This research brings approaches from biophysics and genomics to biomedicine. Most of the lab's work exploits next-generation DNA sequencing. 041b061a72


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