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Charles Seleznev
Charles Seleznev

GRID 2 (ENG) [Repack] By RG Catalyst Generator

WHEELS: The evap-cooler ain't that-far off-subject---like we care anyway! I know a lady who once lived off-the-grid in N. Mexico, and she swore by one for survival. A literal oasis, in a place of DRY-hot temps.(She claimed she didn't need the generator OR the cooler at night, due to natural-nightime-coolness, in the desert?)All I know is, she about busted a gut laughin' at MY-suggestion of tryin' the same-thing HERE, in "Humidity-Hollows". She likened such a venture to living inside of a moldy-loaf of bread, so to speak.

GRID 2 (ENG) [Repack] By RG Catalyst Generator


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